One Page Gospel

Have you ever wondered if there is life on other planets? How far it is to the nearest habitable star system? Perhaps you’ve looked up at the milky way at night and felt the unimaginable vastness of the visible universe. What am I here for? You think modern science must have the answer to these questions. But unfortunately, science doesn’t tell why – it can only tell you how. Certainly engineering contains the secrets I am looking for? It doesn’t even try, it can tell you how a plane was built but it can’t tell you why you were built. What about the great philosophers who lived before me, Aristotle and Plato, Hagel and Kant, can they explain what I am here for? They’ve spent thousands of years arguing about whether or not reality is real, and honestly, the jury is still out for them. Surely there must be a book somewhere in all the libraries of the world that contains the words that answer the questions we carry in our hearts. Let’s perform a little thought experiment, a nod to our logical ancestors, what are the possible answers to Why? It could be that there is no reason why, and you live in a cold and mechanical happenstance universe. Nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, to me. If such is the case, I propose you might as well kill yourself immediately to end your suffering and provide your own answer for To Be, or Not To Be. Some will use “there is no reason” as an excuse to hurt other people and instrumentalize everything and everyone else in the world for their own pleasure. But isn’t that really a different reason Why? They conclude that the world was created for their pleasure alone. Selfish at best and outright Satanic at worst, “Do what thou wilt.” So if a reasonable, caring person with a modicum of common sense would reject “no reason” or “I am God” as reasons for existence, what other options remain to be explored? If I’m not God, then who is? What is the essential character of God, how would he make himself known to his creation? Let’s go back to the idea of a book containing answers, did God put a book on earth for his human creations to find that would lead them to the impossibly difficult yet necessary answers they seek? Have you ever heard of such a book? What does it say? It says that God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to go into the world and die as was required in order to open the way for imperfect human sinners to escape from the conviction of death through unavoidable sin. It says that you won’t understand everything because His ways are higher than your ways, and his thoughts are higher than your thoughts. It says that the beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD. It says that Jesus is the way, the truth, the light that shows our path forward. It says that Jesus loves you. Followers of Jesus have debated for centuries about predestination, does God know who will choose to follow Him and who will reject Him? What is the point of trying to convince people that God is Good and worthy of submission if they have already been destined for the lake of fire in eternity? Certainly the response of most people in this lost world is not encouraging for those trying to reach confused souls. People are condescending, respond with anger, refuse to hear or accept the truth. But the great contradiction is that God made you in His image, and that includes free will. So ultimately each of us have to decide for ourselves where our eternal destination lies. Will you be in love with yourself, or in a loving relationship with Jesus Christ? This answer will determine your ultimate fate.

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