Dark Matter

Watching Pastor’s Perspective today there was a question about dark matter which the pastor’s didn’t really address because they aren’t scientists. But I would like to explain that the invention of dark matter is actually scientists attempt to rescue Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Einstein had to add an unknown number to his equation which he called the cosmological constant in order to make his system conform to the beliefs about the cosmos that were prevalent during his era. Namely, that the universe should be in a steady state, not expanding forever nor slowing down until it begins to fall back upon itself ultimately to result in another big bang when all matter is infinitely compressed into an unimaginably large black hole. Dark matter serves essentially the same role. Scientists have attempted to carefully assess the amount of observable matter in the universe and it is not enough to make Einstein’s equations work out properly. You will hear frequently on the news about the latest discoveries that confirm the general and special theories of relativity and the existence of black holes. But the reality is that science cannot explain the universe because it is nothing more than a set of mathematical equations that seem to do a good job of explaining or predicting what will happen in a physical system. To this day, no one has been able to reconcile quantum theory with general relativity. String theory is untestable and therefore unprovable and properly falls under the realm of philosophy or abstract mathematics. So what do you do when your equation doesn’t match reality? Adjust it with something like dark matter or the cosmological constant until it does.

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

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