The journey is the reward

Let me tackle this aphorism from both a positive and a negative aspect. On a positive note, I get it: stop and smell the roses, enjoy the wonderful little moments in life that come your way like the smile of a child or a hug of long reunion. I believe the Christian formulation is gratitude or thankfulness. We tend to think of prayer as asking for something from God, but that is only part of what is called for in The Bible. The other pieces are praise and gratitude, thanking God literally for everything He has done for you including sending his Son to redeem you from your natural, wretched state of existence. Looking at the world around you, the universe even, and marveling at His wondrous works.

Isaiah 6
2Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. 3And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.

From a critical perspective, there seem to be two types of gnostic religion in the world: those that believe the only point of living is maximum pleasure on Earth, because there is nothing else, nothing after, nothing greater, no meaning other than that which we ascribe and perceive. This is properly nihilism or Satanism but it goes by a thousand names just like its master does. The other type is more properly Buddhist: that life is suffering and undesirable, the only point of life is to patiently ride the wheel of life until eventually, hopefully you reach the status of Buddha and ascend to a higher state of being in the next realm of the multiverse. Frequently such religions include the concept of reincarnation in the neverending cycle of existence – one can either go up or down on the ladder of enlightenment. The problem is that the logical consequence of this line of reasoning is that little we do in our human lives is of any consequence. Evil can be ameliorated with subsequent good. It’s just a learning experience!

This is why I love Christ. His is the only path that simultaneously rebukes our undeniable sinful nature and at the same time holds out His hand in an offer of blessed hope. What you do does matter. The choices you make in life are important. There is a greater meaning to your existence. No, you can’t understand everything or make perfect choices, you’re going to fail. But if you believe there must be more to this life than meets the eye, you will eventually find The Gospel.

He Was There All the Time

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