The Greatest Lie Ever Told

It has been said that the greatest lie the devil ever told was that he didn’t exist. Alternatively, The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist. I beg to disagree. The greatest lie ever told was that God doesn’t exist, because if Satan can convince you that there is no God then the world is simply 100% materialistic and nothing you do has any real significance or lasting importance. A quick internet search for “The Greatest Lie Ever Told” is very revealing of the opinion of the world:

  • A book on Amazon which I will not advertise whose summary reads “Jews, Christians and Muslims have been grossly mislead about their religions. All three were perverted from their shared origins, by politics, avarice and greed. The greatest of these perversions is Christianity.”
  • A Quora conversation: “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there.” ―George Santayana
  • That Born-again Christians can lose their salvation (by lack of works or excessive sin).
  • That Jesus Christ was not the Son of God.

I don’t want to go too far here, you can rapidly and clearly see the obvious trend that the world system thinks Christianity is the greatest lie. Since we live in a post-modern, bizarro-world in which everything false is proclaimed true and every good thing declared evil, I can only conclude that the opposite of all these things must be the truth. I have frequently taught my sons that any time they encounter an overly complicated, circuitous, pretzel-puzzle like argument that sounds really good but takes too long to reach its conclusions it is probably the devil trying to convince you that something obviously wrong is actually a higher truth if you just had the expanded consciousness to comprehend it fully and properly.

Within just a few clicks of the above link to a quote website, you can find yourself reading about the most disturbing and twisted perversions you can possibly imagine being celebrated as “avant-garde” and breaking the mold of stuffy old pedantic religious types. If you reject God, if you reject Jesus Christ, then the only logical, rational conclusion is that you embrace Satan. There is no antiseptic dirt for atheists to be buried in, no not-so-bad limbo for agnostics to float around in after death, if you choose to live in a world without consequences unbound by naïve notions of wrong and right, then you have made the choice where to spend eternity.

The Sinner’s Prayer
Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness.
I know that Jesus Christ is your son, that he died for my sins, was
reborn on the third day, and is seated even now at your right hand in
heaven. I trust Him as my savior, and follow Him as my Lord.
From this day forward, I submit to your guidance in my life and
want you to help me to do your will.
I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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