Dark Matter

Watching Pastor’s Perspective today there was a question about dark matter which the pastor’s didn’t really address because they aren’t scientists. But I would like to explain that the invention of dark matter is actually scientists attempt to rescue Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Einstein had to add an unknown number to his equation which he called the cosmological constant in order to make his system conform to the beliefs about the cosmos that were prevalent during his era. Namely, that the universe should be in a steady state, not expanding forever nor slowing down until it begins to fall back upon itself ultimately to result in another big bang when all matter is infinitely compressed into an unimaginably large black hole. Dark matter serves essentially the same role. Scientists have attempted to carefully assess the amount of observable matter in the universe and it is not enough to make Einstein’s equations work out properly. You will hear frequently on the news about the latest discoveries that confirm the general and special theories of relativity and the existence of black holes. But the reality is that science cannot explain the universe because it is nothing more than a set of mathematical equations that seem to do a good job of explaining or predicting what will happen in a physical system. To this day, no one has been able to reconcile quantum theory with general relativity. String theory is untestable and therefore unprovable and properly falls under the realm of philosophy or abstract mathematics. So what do you do when your equation doesn’t match reality? Adjust it with something like dark matter or the cosmological constant until it does.

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Is Cupid a devil?

Ephesians 6:10-18 King James Version (KJV)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

In today’s sermon Pastor Jack was talking about using the shield of faith to quench the fiery darts that Satan uses to lure us into sin. For me personally, lust has always been a problem (I guess there’s a reason it’s called the original sin) and the image of someone shooting an arrow brought to mind Cupid, the patron of Valentine’s Day. Now, of course love can be a wonderful thing and who doesn’t wish to be struck with Cupid’s arrow for his or her future spouse. But let’s face it, in today’s culture Valentine’s Day is not promoted as find you future wife day – it’s more like an excuse to be promiscuous.

Let’s consider some further examples: Is Christmas about Santa Claus? Is Easter about a giant bunny rabbit who brings chocolate eggs? Some Christians may decry these holidays as being overly commercial and an excuse for businesses to make money, but I think it goes far deeper than that. Once again, elements of popular culture become veils that obscure what should be the obvious truth of God’s existence and the glory that Jesus Christ is his Son. Even people who claim to be atheistic or agnostic are defining themselves in opposition to God and Jesus. I pray thanksgiving every day for the Holy Spirit inside me who gives me discernment and dropped the scales from my eyes.

Turn! Turn! Turn!

If you hear “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” you may think of a Byrds song written by Pete Seeger in the 1960’s. However, if you are a Bible reader you of course realize these words come from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. This is just another pop culture example of using The Bible to gain notoriety, to cover up the Gospel, and to twist its meaning. In the song the author adds on “Turn! Turn! Turn!” which sounds dizzying and confusing, and the final lyric “A time for peace, I swear its not too late.” Which is a call for world peace. I am not the world’s greatest expert on The Holy Bible, but I don’t believe that world peace is what is called for or prophesied, excepting at the end of days during the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ. It sounds a lot more like the goal of Luciferians who pursue one-world government and the reign and perfecting of Earthly man.

But this convergence calls to my mind an even deeper discerning: I realize now that nearly everything in popular culture can be interpreted in at least two different ways. In a real sense, a follower of Jesus Christ will see a totally different world than a secular person. The Bible reader will recognize quotes and references as what they are and perhaps see them as attractive or indicative of appropriateness or goodness. The worldly person will subconsciously feel attracted to the holy scripture, but at the same time perceive the secular perhaps even anti-christian message that will be added on or braided into the message. For example, most people think of John Denver as a dope smoking hippy from Colorado who sang a lot of groovy songs about peace and love. But I believe after studying and playing his music for many years that he was a follower of Jesus who sprinkled the Gospel throughout his lyrics. He also seems to have included some worldly aspects in his work, whether on purpose or simply because of his personality or because he was required to by corporate interests there is no way to know.

Discernment requires wisdom, and that comes only from praying to God to receive it. I certainly don’t have all the answers but it seems that sometimes artists use words from The Bible because they know they are powerful but then don’t honor the Author with their deeds and works. Why would you name your musical group Peter, Paul and Mary and then sing about things that sound religious but aren’t? Perhaps it is a bit like preachers and teachers, the psalmists are going to be people who are called by God, and also those who serve Satan will infiltrate and emulate. Another way to corrupt and disillusion innocence. Consider the super-group Styx: a band named after the Egyptian river of death certainly sounds like a rock and roll band that has sold their souls to the devil. But once again, if you look closely at the lyrics there is a lot of Gospel imagery and tone and beauty. But just as with John Denver, there are certainly nods given to scoffery, skepticism, and the like. “I thought that they were angels, but to my surprise, we climbed aboard their starship and headed for the skies.”

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

It has been said that the greatest lie the devil ever told was that he didn’t exist. Alternatively, The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist. I beg to disagree. The greatest lie ever told was that God doesn’t exist, because if Satan can convince you that there is no God then the world is simply 100% materialistic and nothing you do has any real significance or lasting importance. A quick internet search for “The Greatest Lie Ever Told” is very revealing of the opinion of the world:

  • A book on Amazon which I will not advertise whose summary reads “Jews, Christians and Muslims have been grossly mislead about their religions. All three were perverted from their shared origins, by politics, avarice and greed. The greatest of these perversions is Christianity.”
  • A Quora conversation: “History is a pack of lies about events that never happened told by people who weren’t there.” ―George Santayana
  • That Born-again Christians can lose their salvation (by lack of works or excessive sin).
  • That Jesus Christ was not the Son of God.

I don’t want to go too far here, you can rapidly and clearly see the obvious trend that the world system thinks Christianity is the greatest lie. Since we live in a post-modern, bizarro-world in which everything false is proclaimed true and every good thing declared evil, I can only conclude that the opposite of all these things must be the truth. I have frequently taught my sons that any time they encounter an overly complicated, circuitous, pretzel-puzzle like argument that sounds really good but takes too long to reach its conclusions it is probably the devil trying to convince you that something obviously wrong is actually a higher truth if you just had the expanded consciousness to comprehend it fully and properly.

Within just a few clicks of the above link to a quote website, you can find yourself reading about the most disturbing and twisted perversions you can possibly imagine being celebrated as “avant-garde” and breaking the mold of stuffy old pedantic religious types. If you reject God, if you reject Jesus Christ, then the only logical, rational conclusion is that you embrace Satan. There is no antiseptic dirt for atheists to be buried in, no not-so-bad limbo for agnostics to float around in after death, if you choose to live in a world without consequences unbound by naïve notions of wrong and right, then you have made the choice where to spend eternity.

The Sinner’s Prayer
Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness.
I know that Jesus Christ is your son, that he died for my sins, was
reborn on the third day, and is seated even now at your right hand in
heaven. I trust Him as my savior, and follow Him as my Lord.
From this day forward, I submit to your guidance in my life and
want you to help me to do your will.
I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.