The sacred-profane dichotomy

Here I will explore a variety of examples, both small and large, that illustrate my ongoing theme that we live in two different worlds at the same time. Perhaps it is part of Satan’s plan to give a dual meaning to every good and true concept and each of us at every moment has the God given right to choose which to believe. Those that suffer from strong delusion aren’t even aware there are other meanings available.

Profane or Secular TruthSacred or Biblical Truth
Subconscious or ConscienceHoly Spirit
HalloweenAll Saints’ Day
Sinister (LEFT)Dexter (RIGHT)
Hot WaterCold Water
Ground State or NeutralEnergized or Hot
Christmas (Santa=Satan?)Jesus’ Birthday
Christmas TreeThe Cross
The Easter Bunny that lays chocolate eggs in fields for you to find.The Lamb who takes away the sin of the world
Lording Over: A phrase used to impugn the character of someone in a position of authority.The Lord: Our savior Jesus Christ.
Self Righteous: A criticism for someone with strong beliefs who disagrees with you.Imputed Righteousness: The saving grace received by faith in Jesus Christ and empowered by listening to the Holy Spirit.
Counseling in a psychologists officeConfession in a church or to a fellow believer
Death (abortion or spiritual death)Life (more than biological)
Critical Theory / DeconstructionThe Bible
Inequity: disapproval of natural orderIniquity: another name for sin
With great power comes great responsibility. – Spider ManFor unto whom much is given, of him shall much be required. – Luke 12:48
The patience of Job, used as an example of someone who is patient with other people.The patience of Job, who lost everything he had but kept his faith in God and was restored.
Doubting Thomas: someone who is skeptical and requires “data” and “evidence” to be convinced that a proposition is true.Doubting Thomas: the apostle who wouldn’t believe that Christ had risen from the dead until he was able to see the holes in his hands and place his finger into the wound in his side.
Ultimate Truth: Hasn’t been discovered yet, probably some combination of subatomic particle physics, general relativity, quantum computing and gene coding. Still won’t explain why you exist or what you should or should not do.Ultimate Truth: The Gospel. Explains why you exist, who created you, who His son was and why he came to the earth and died on your behalf so that you could be forgiven of your inevitable sins and remain in heaven for eternity.
Fire Lake: A great song by Bob Seger which no one can apparently figure out the meaning of. Some think Fire Lake is somewhere in Michigan and would be a nice place to vacation.The Lake of Fire: another name for hell, the place where Satan, the Antichrist, the false prophet, and all other unrepentant sinners are going to spend eternity.
Well Versed: Knowing a subject very well – certainly not the Bible but something important like biology or chemistry.Chapter and Verse: Knowing the Bible so well that one can recite passages from memory.

And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:6-8

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